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The Intersection of Law and Desire

The Intersection of Law and Desire - J.M. Redmann After the two preceding books I have finally got my hands on this one, which while still great, misses some of the punch that they have.

I guess if it got cut in half it'd not really matter for almost nothing happens until after 40% into the book. To put it simply, the first half feels like the filler of fillers. Also there is rather big shift from detective-story ridden, the previous two have been to mediocre-romance book, which I'm not really fond of.

It'd not be so bad and neither is, but Micky's and Cordelia's relationship feels kinda tacky and out of place. It somehow misses all the thrill and gives impression that there is no passion between them. From all of the "potential partners" she feels like a rather unfortunate choice.

But overall, I enjoyed it. The book still has that dark tint in its story and the portent atmosphere that I've loved in the first two. It's just that some things—like the romance—feel forced, and I don't like sacrifices that there are and may have been made because of it.